On campus

Skalla: Abigail Skalla of Jefferson graduated cum laude from Buena Vista University with a bachelor of arts degree in elementary education.

Buena Vista University tells deans list: Malarie Gilley of Grand Junction and Wesley Onken and Abigail Skalla, both of Jefferson, were named to the dean’s list for the fall 2013 semester at Buena Vista University. Students on the dean’s list earned at least a 3.5 grade point average while taking at least 12 hours of coursework.

UI tells dean’s list: Dora Grote of Bayard and Joseph Promes, Ryanne Christensen, Kayce Riphagen and Andrew Carman, all of Jefferson, were named to the dean’s list for the 2013 fall semester at the University of Iowa. Students on the dean’s list earned at least a 3.5 grade point average on 12 semester hours or more of graded course work.

Fray, Christensen: Ryanne Christensen and Amanda Fray, both of Jefferson, graduated from the University of Iowa in December commencement exercises.

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